Bike & Pedestrian


The City of Belmont is committed to planning for the bicycle and pedestrian needs of our residents and visitors. In addition to the projects and initiatives highlighted below, improvements are also contained within many of the projects identified on the Streets and Highways page. You can also find already constructed trails and paths on the City Parks & Trails page.


Current Planning Initiatives

Great Trails State Plan

The Great Trails State Plan will draw upon existing plans and new recommendations to identify a network of shared-use paths and trails that connec​​​ts every county in North Carolina, with a focus on connections between population centers and North Carolina State Parks.


Pedestrian Plan Update

In October 2021, the City of Belmont was successfully awarded a NCDOT Planning Grant to assist with efforts to update our 2009 Pedestrian Master Plan.  To learn more and get involved in this planning effort, please visit

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