HPAB Board Information

The membership make-up and duties are:
- The board will be composed of 5 members.
- At least three members must live in the National Register historic district or own property within the district. All members must reside within the city limits.
- The board will be appointed to two-year terms.
- The board will be responsible for:
- Educating the public on the value of our historic properties and the benefits of local landmark designation.
- Recommending local structures for voluntary designation as a local historic landmark by Gaston County and the City of Belmont; assist with the application process where possible.
- Transmit to Gaston County Historic Preservation Commission recommendations of approval or denial of applications for certificates of appropriateness for existing landmarks within the jurisdiction.
- Any other duties the city council may see fit to assign.
- Susan Murphy, Chair
- Rick Jordan, Vice Chair
- Nancy Gadd
- Jennifer Simmons
- Amanda Wall
The Historic Preservation Advisory Board meets the second Wednesday of the month at 5:15 p.m. at CityWorks, located at 1401 E. Catawba Street, Belmont. All meetings are open to the public. Agendas and minutes can be found at the agenda center by using the Agendas and Minutes button below.
For questions and inquires about the Historic Preservation Advisory Board, you may contact the Planning Department using the information listed below.