FAQ Topic: 2024 Transportation Bond

Why does the ballot language not name specific projects?

Under North Carolina law, a referendum for the purpose of issuing General Obligation (GO) bonds must specify a category of capital projects for which the bond proceeds may be used. Voters are asked to authorize their government to use the GO bonds as a financing tool for that specific category of projects, up to the … Continued

If passed – how would the bond affect my taxes?

If the referendum passes, it will have the following tax effect: In 2026 the tax rate will increase $42.50 per $100,000 of tax valuation. For example, a $400,000 home would see an annual increase of $170 ($14/month) In 2028 the tax rate will increase to $72.50 per $100,000 of tax valuation. For example, a $400,000 … Continued

Which projects were selected to establish the transportation bond?

The projects selected were used to establish the $25 Million bond amount.  These projects consist of the following: – Belmont Middle School Connector – South Central Avenue Pedestrian and Turn Lanes, including pedestrian improvement at Central Avenue/Main Street intersection – Perfection Avenue at Pebble Creek & Pleasant Pedestrian Improvements – Nixon Road Multi-Use Path (MUP)/Sidewalk – South Point … Continued

Was a consultant used to identify potential projects?

During the March 4, 2024, council meeting, the engineering firm Gannett Fleming, Inc. was selected to assist with identifying potential bond projects for the council to consider. Transportation Bond Costs Agenda Memo March 4, 2024 City Council Meeting Minutes March 4, 2024 City Council Meeting Recording

When and how were the projects selected?

During the City Council Workshop on May 23, 2024, Gannett Fleming presented the list of potential projects, and the Council narrowed the list of projects to five. Transportation Bond Presentation – Projects, Estimates, and Prioritization Agenda Memo May 23, 2024 City Council Workshop Meeting Minutes May 23, 2024 City Council Workshop Meeting Recording

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