Should the detailed phasing and task list assume a January 2024 consultant selection date?
Yes- Consultant should anticipate consultant selection in January 2024. The start date was incorrectly noted as 2023 in the original RFP document.
Yes- Consultant should anticipate consultant selection in January 2024. The start date was incorrectly noted as 2023 in the original RFP document.
The project duration is anticipated to be 12 to 18 months, dependent on the schedule recommendation of the selected consultant. This is to allow for ample public engagement throughout the community to inform the updated plan. This timeline also allows for collaboration and coordination with other simultaneous efforts to be integrated into this planning initiative- … Continued
Commencement of the project is anticipated to begin as soon as possible following final consultant selection, once all required documentation is in place. The original RFP reference to a May 15th commencement was incorrect.
The City of Belmont will review all proposals received, and then utilize the following process for consultant selection: Selection Committee Review Consultants will be notified by Friday, December 1, 2023 if selected for an interview. Planning Board Interview: Selected Consultants are asked to interview with Planning Board (tentatively December 14, 2023; final date to be … Continued
IMPORTANT UPDATE: THERE WILL NOT BE A FORMAL PUBLIC BID OPENING. While a formal public bid opening was previously scheduled for 2pm on November 22nd, the City has learned that this is not required based on the nature of the work requested in the RFP and has therefore been eliminated from the project schedule. Proposals … Continued
The City of Belmont acknowledges that the original deadline for question submission and city response was unclear. Accordingly, staff has extended both deadlines as follows: – Deadline for Questions: Thursday, November 9, 2023 – City Responses: Wednesday, November 15, 2023.