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1393 Results Found

The City of Belmont is seeking a firm to provide wide-scale economic development and retail recruitment services. Proposals are being accepted from August 30 - September 27, 2024. Click here for the full proposal request

Proposal of a 1 story, 1900 SF free-standing bank w/ drive through located at 975 South Point Rd, 1900 SF. Project Status: Community Meeting - TBD Planning Board - TBD  City Council Public Hearing -TBD Sketch Plan: SKP2024.05  Belmont Town Center- 5/3 Bank Proposal of a 1 story, 1900 SF free-standing bank w/ drive through...

City of Belmont Mourns the Passing of Mayor Richard Turner Belmont, NC – With deepest sympathies, the City of Belmont regrets to announce the passing of Mayor Richard Turner, a dedicated public servant who faithfully served the Belmont community for more than twelve years, as both a Councilman and Mayor. Mayor Turner passed away unexpectedly...

The position is open until filled. To apply for this position please CLICK HERE.

Big announcement! Introducing CityConnect, our new mass communication system! The goal of this new system is to deliver timely, relevant updates to residents, local businesses, visitors, and employees alike. Stay informed with community news and updates directly from us! Sign up today to start receiving alerts and messages such as water utility information, road closures,... - Plan. Prepare. Stay Informed FEMA - Federal Emergency Management Agency NC Office of State Fire Marshall - Fire Prevention & Education Safe Kids

Gaston County Sheriff's Office  Gaston County Police Department Gastonia Police Department Cherryville Police Department Kings Mountain Police Department Dallas Police Department Bessemer City Police Department Ranlo Police Department Lowell Police Department Cramerton Police Department Stanley Police Department Mount Holly Police Department    

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