City offices and facilities will be closing at 12:00 PM on Friday, January 10th due to the predicted inclement weather.

Reports and Permits

Wreck Reports

Wreck reports are usually ready after 7 to 10 business days.  To check the availability of a wreck report contact Belmont Police Records Department Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:00 am and 5:00 pm at 704-825-3792.

  • Wreck reports can be obtained in person at the Belmont Police Department 8:00 am to 5:00 pm Monday through Friday.
  • We do not fax or email wreck reports.
  • Wreck reports will only be released to person(s) involved in a wreck or owner of vehicles.
  • Reports may be requested by mail with payment including a self addressed stamped envelope.
  • Crash reports are also available through the NC Department of Motor Vehicles. NC DMV

Concealed Handgun Permit

Concealed handgun permits for residents of Gaston County must be granted through the Gaston County Sheriff's Department.  To view more information on the process to obtain a concealed handgun permit please click here to visit the Gaston County Sheriff's Department website.

For information about where you may or may not legally carry a concealed handgun please see the North Carolina Concealed Handgun Chart.

Golf Cart Registration

Beginning July 1, 2012, golf carts will be allowed on most streets in Belmont subject to the conditions listed in the ordinance.

Golf carts must be registered with the Belmont Police Department and must receive an annual registration permit.  Proof of insurance is required for such a permit.

To obtain a permit, call Belmont's Code Enforcement Officer at (704) 829-4024 and schedule an inspection.  The Code Enforcement Officer will inspect and accept the $25 permit fee and $5 decal fee.

Vehicles Not Allowed

The following recreational vehicles are not allowed on city streets by this ordinance:

  • 4-wheelers
  • All terrain vehicles (ATVs)
  • John Deere gators
  • Recreational vehicles similar to those listed

Cart Requirements

In order to be driven on a street, a golf cart must have:

  • A rear vision mirror
  • A reflective "slow moving" sign or flag on the rear of the car
  • At least 2 red reflectors that are at least 3 inches in height and width
  • Brakes that are in proper working condition
  • Standard safety features

Speed Limit

Golf carts will be allowed on streets with a posted speed limit of 35 miles per hour (mph) or less, although golf carts cannot be driven over 20 mph on these streets.

Traffic Laws

Drivers must follow all traffic laws and must yield the right-of-way to overtaking vehicles.
Registered golf carts may be operated on streets between sunrise and sunset.
Golf carts may NOT be operated when fog, smoke, smog, or other conditions exist that would limit visibility such that the golf cart is not visible for a minimum distance of 250 feet.

Streets Not Allowed

Golf carts are not allowed on any of the following streets, except to cross them at a street intersection:

  • Any street with a speed limit posted over 35 miles per hour
  • Central Avenue
  • Interstate 85
  • North Main Street/Belmont - Mount Holly Road (north of US 29/74)
  • Park Street/Keener Boulevard/RL Stowe Road (NC 273)
  • South Main Street (south of Eagle Road)
  • South Point Road
  • Wilkinson Boulevard (US 29/74)


A Noise Permit Application must be submitted forty-eight (48) hours  in advance prior to the use of any sound amplifying device, musical or other instrument for entertainment, advertising or other purposes, or to otherwise engage in any activity creating noise which exceeds the standards set forth in City Code of Ordinance Chapter 95 (Noise) without obtaining a noise permit in advance of these activities. Noise Permit Applications will be reviewed by the Belmont Police Department Support Services Captain and approved or denied by the Chief of Police. Applicant will be notified upon approval or denial. Contact Capt. Matt Sherrill with any questions or concerns at

Information needed prior to completing permit application:

(1) The nature and duration of the proposed activity,
(2) Other uses in the vicinity or location proposed for the activity;
(3) Effect of the activity on nearby residential areas;
(4) Cultural, social, recreational and/or education benefit of the proposed activity;
(5) Previous experience with the applicant; and
(6) Previous violations of this noise chapter, if any, by any applicant.

I understand the issuance of this permit is conditional upon compliance with all regulations and ordinances of the
City of Belmont. I agree to give my full cooperation to the Belmont Police Department in enforcing the noise
ordinance, to be present at the site of the event, and to be capable of assisting the Belmont Police Officers in their
enforcement duties during the entire time for which this permit is issued. I understand that failure to do so may
result in revocation of this permit and the imposition of the civil penalty.

To submit a noise permit application click here.

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