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Richard Turner
Belmont City Councilman Richard Turner is a 22-year resident of Belmont. Married for 23 years to his wife Marie, they have 3 children that all attended Belmont Public schools.
Past Positions
Prior to being elected to Belmont’s City Council he served Belmont and its citizens for 2 terms on Belmont’s Planning and Zoning Board and Belmont’s Park and Recreation Advisory Board.
He has served Belmont Central Elementary in several roles including President and Vice-President of the schools PTO. While serving as Vice-President, he wrote a successful grant application that brought much needed playground equipment to the school. He has also served Page Primary School as the School Improvement Team (SIT) representative.
As Chairman of the Park and Recreation Board, Richard identified the vacant city owned property on Brook Street as a site for a much-needed city park and was instrumental in developing the concept and bringing it to a reality.
Recognition of his concern over growth and its impact on roads and traffic issues led to him being nominated to serve on the GCLMPO (Gaston, Cleveland, Lincoln Metropolitan Planning Organization) which addresses the transportation needs of these counties. As Belmont’s representative to the GCLMPO, Richard will ensure that our current and future needs as a community are always on the radar of this Metropolitan Planning organization.
Richard is committed to the preservation of the Historic homes and mill’s that gives Belmont its unique charm and character while also recognizing the need to allow for complimentary growth. Finding the balance in these 2 elements will ensure that Belmont continues to be a place that people want to call home.